Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Do we bare our souls, write our chorus out on the page, or do others expect us to have our suitcases in order, packed neatly and ready to go......

To let others know our vulnerabilities can lead to a dialogue that otherwise may not exist.  It's a chance to invite emotions to the event that may otherwise be left behind.  Who knows where we will lead one another in our sharing.

Squatting in a lurch of emotion
without a route map,
secondment en route to the masses,
there appeared a shifting breeze
stiff and tight

Austerity emblazoned in silk,
fallen out of the ranks
in the popularity stakes,
the iced tea on the hob
warmingly out of character

Do you recall turning the page of irony,
the yellowed blotter, signature book
of those you'll never meet again,
the autographed page of old inked scrawled,
holed up with cobwebbed coats

No longer marking time with you now,
even though they stared you down,
head hunted for the perfect prefect of popularity,
seeking you out to check out the aged paper trail,
their current capabilities warranting more

Settling, the nest felt comfy,
nurturing, gifts placed at your feet,
you dislodged the parrot from your shoulder,
it left a calling card for you...to ignore,
chat up the colourful clowns in the corner

Steamrollered, you left the game.
parked your plastic smile,
scrubbed clean the mossy mess,
sat back amongst daisy/buttercup armies,
felt the hot poker of rejection, water drowning...

Sitting right of our left emotions we can observe their exterior existance, observing a different slant or angle.  Sittting central we can see both sides, but climbing into and within we  feel them, recognise the emotional wrapping paper, the colours they wear.  Choose to ask them to stay for a while...laying their appetite to oneside, yet learning to know when to ask them to leave.
It's been a while here at laurasnotepad.......see you soon.....

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