Wednesday 26 December 2012

Thoughtful Thursday

Align your focus with the solution, not the problem

I love this...the words, the colours, the rain drops paroling the silky dew....

The silken dew saturated the bell like petals
Drenched softly with the nectar of life
Sweet dewy tears drops trickled
Loosening their touch
Quietly catching in the misty air
And collecting at the foot of the stem
To be welcomed by mother earth


Welcome to another day....Thursday's wake up call melted into my brain nudging me from sleep.  
What's in store for today?
Who can I help?
Where will life take me?
It's turned into a wet wipe out day, umbrellas to the ready, posting their top knots into the air, spitting the dribble toward the whipping wind, whilst I aim for the warmth, snug with coat and scarf doing a fine job.  I stepped out into the world accepting the weather forecast (it is December after all).  Feels much better to have taken it on board, relaxingly at ease with it.  I can still be who I am, care about those I love, it doesn't have to be sun sun sun even though happiness bubbles up to the surface on a fine and dandy day.


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